Oral surgery and minor surgical procedures at Litchfield Dental Care help treat problems in your mouth. Compromised supporting gum tissue or defects in the bone may sometimes undergo repair with precise surgical techniques, and quick biopsy techniques help the team of expert dentists and dental surgeons determine what is behind changes in the lining of your mouth. If you need dental surgery, call the Litchfield Park, Arizona, office to schedule a consultation or request one online today.

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What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery is a broad term for any operation performed on your gums, teeth, jaw, or surrounding oral and facial structures.

This surgery includes dental implants, extractions, gum grafts, and jaw surgeries. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon or periodontist usually performs oral surgery.

Why might I need oral surgery?

A damaged tooth might need removal if it’s beyond repair. The reshaping of gum defects, biopsies of suspicious tissue, or removal of obtrusive bone present scenarios that may also involve surgical correction..

At Litchfield Dental Care, the team understands patients sometimes choose to remove a tooth due to financial limitations. They will always work hard to help you find the solution that fits every aspect of your situation.

The skilled and compassionate team uses the best methods and equipment to provide a quick and painless visit. Sedation dentistry options also offer a range of anxiety-reduction ways that you may wish to consider, especially if you experience anxiety or fear surrounding dental procedures.

What is considered minor oral surgery?

Minor oral surgery includes the following:

  • Exposure of impacted teeth
  • Teeth extraction
  • TMJ treatments
  • Dental implant
  • Biopsies

Minor surgical procedures involving the gums, teeth, and jaw may be needed to preserve or enhance long-term health. Wisdom teeth extraction can be considered a minor or major surgery, depending on the case.

While Litchfield Dental Care’s philosophy is maintaining teeth, each situation deserves consideration. So when your discussion with the team leads to a surgical correction, you can trust that they will take every step necessary to ensure your comfort and safety.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for oral surgery?

The Litchfield Dental Care team of experts will determine with you the best way for you to receive care. On occasion, they might recommend a referral to a trusted specialist. Any time they feel you’ll be served best by a colleague trained in a particular treatment, they won’t hesitate to use the best resources for your care.

The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for oral surgery is to come in for a consultation. The team can discuss a variety of options with you in more detail.

If you need oral surgery or think you might be a good candidate, call Litchfield Dental Care to speak with the friendly and knowledgeable staff. Or book a consultation online today.