Many people feel anxious before and during dental procedures. Feeling nervous or even fearful when anticipating a dental visit is okay. The knowledgeable and compassionate team understands that each patient is unique, so they provide options best suited to you and your individual needs. At Litchfield Dental Care, you can experience dental treatment in a comfortable setting with a customized approach and several different sedation dentistry methods. To learn more, call the Litchfield Park, Arizona, office or book a consultation online today.

What is sedation dentistry?

While sedation dentistry can make dentistry much easier and more comfortable for anxious or fearful patients, it’s important to understand that sedation is not painkillers, and regular numbing medications still prove essential.

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What are some examples of sedation dentistry?

At Litchfield Dental Care, the team provides a variety of sedation dentistry options, including the most common forms:

  • Inhalation sedation
  • Oral sedation
  • Intravenous sedation

They also offer pill prescriptions and sedation in the form of a lollipop.

What is oral sedation in dentistry?

This sedation dentistry method creates a deeper level of sedation than with laughing gas. For oral sedation, the team will prescribe a medication you take before your appointment to reduce anxiety.

A wide variety of medications are available for this type of sedation, and the team can carefully discuss your needs to determine which choice works best for you. These medications are classified as anti-anxiety medications and achieve the same result — reducing and eliminating the anxiety of dental treatment.

What are the benefits of oral sedation dentistry?

While your dental treatment is performed, the team carefully monitors your vital signs to ensure your experience is as safe as possible.

Your dentist might recommend oral sedation and laughing gas for even deeper relaxation. Because the effects of oral sedation last longer than with laughing gas alone, you will need someone to bring you to your appointment and drive you home after.*

In addition to making your experience more comfortable, oral sedative medications help reduce your memory of the experience. It allows the team to complete your treatment in less time and with fewer appointments.

Anxiety prevents up to 50% of the population from getting dental care. Simple oral medications taken shortly before an appointment can take the edge off, removing the barrier to a healthier you.

If you experience anxiety or fear surrounding dentistry, you might be a good candidate for sedation dentistry services. Call Litchfield Dental Care to learn more, or book a consultation online today.

*You cannot drive yourself home after receiving sedation dentistry. You will need to bring a responsible adult to drive you home after your treatment.